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Upload on 27h September: minor bug fix in the instrument selection window. See Bug fixes (26th Sept).
Tp get the latest Mac beta see Wineskin Bounce for Mac Beta. and to download the installer for Windows or for Wine on Linux, go to the download page.
Upload on 21st September: minor bug fixes - a bug to do with highlighting of keys pressed if you release sustaain key before you release the note itself - and a confusing extra tip added to some tool tips - for details see Bug fixes (21st Sept).
Upload on 8th September fixes a temporary freeze effect you can get where the bouncing balls animation stops for a few seconds when you move the mouse over the 3D bounce display. It was a bug in the hit testing code to detect where the mouse is over the 3D scene.
Also, visual issue if you use sostenuto with the on screen keyboards and then sustain, and then release sustain pedal - then sound works fine - but - it keeps the sustained notes visually highlighted until you release sostenuto pedal.
Some other minor fixes - for details see Bug fixes.
Upload on 29th August with more bug fixes (sorry forgot to write them up, will do that later).
This upload brings as new features: the option to use Takadimi syllables for the entire measure, adds the SCALA scales archive as a droplist along with windows for making scales (tunings).
Also, adds a new Latin American "metronome type". This doesn't add anything new - it has the same latin american rhythms as before from Drum & Dance. It just makes them easier to find.
Also now you can show the droplist of your own saved rhythms in music notation in the main window for the Drum & Dance, Flamenco and Latin American "metronome types". (Same droplist is shared by them all - but in future could have, optionally, separate droplist for each one, and also have nested droplists as for the scales and arpeggios).
Also has many improvements on the drum machine and polyrhythmic drum machine layout and presentation.