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|New features: can now set the tempo dial to show notches at fractional BPM - usesful if you want to customize it to show a small range of tempi and then click to set the tempo to the nearest 0.1 BPM etc. Can now show bouncing musical note names. Added Steve Reich's melody from piano phase to give examples to show how the vary tempo feature works with abc notation. Hugely speeded up auto remake for the music notation rhythm, making for smoother editing of the text. Can set a different number of syncopating parts for each of the rhythms in the syncopated African polyrhythms window. And various other minor otptions and bug fixes.
In detail:
This upload adds some new options you can see in the video. For instance you may notice that the tempo dial has a very small range only from 30 to 33 BPM and with steps of 0.1 BPM. That's using a new feature to customize the tempo dial with fractional BPM. Everything is the same in the user interface as before, the only change is that it now lets you enter fractional BPM such as 0.1 BPM etc for the notch sizes - the tempo difference between the lines drawn on the dial. This also gives the resolution when you click on the dial, which you can set in this way to anything you like, not just to the nearest BPM. As before you can enter a tempo to any number of decimal places into the text field, this is just for the tempo you get when you click on the dial. Another way to use this feature would be to set the tempo dial to be as normal everywhere except in some particular region of interest where you can set the tempo resolution for clicking on the dial much higher..
You can now show the musical note names in the bouncing balls windows for notes in abc notation. You can show them as intervals or cents, note names (defaulting to sharps, flats or a mixture of the two for choice of how to show e.g. C# or Db), also the scale degree. E.g. D is scale degree 2 in counting from C in twelve equal with C as 0. Also the arpeggio degree - but that's of most interest for fractal tunes or microtonal work, in the default setup for abc notation for twelve equal its the same as the scale degree.
I've added examples using Steve Reich's melody from Piano Phase to the droplist of rhythms under abc notation - as examples to show how you can combine the abc notation with phasing in Bounce. Introduced a new way of setting the tempo for a part - you can now use
VaryTempoBy 1BeatIn16MeasuresOf12PerMeasure
That's what the default is for the Piano phase melody. Suppose you want it to phase through to the next note in 4 measures instead of 16. Just select that example in the droplist and edit it to
VaryTempoBy 1BeatIn4MeasuresOf12PerMeasure
Similarly you can vary it by say 2 beats in 3 measures of 7 per measure or whatever number you like there.
Have hugely speeded up how quickly it can remake a rhythm while editing it. This makes it much easier to type a rhythm into the rhythm edit field. Because it can continually remake the rhythm as you edit it. Used to be that it was best to switch off the "auto remake" feature and edit the rhythm and then click "Remake now" when ready. Now, I think most users will find it works just fine with auto remake permanently switched on. There's a bit of a delay before the remake.
It only updates the bouncing balls etc to the new rhythm or melody when you pause typing at least momentarily. A pause of a little under a second is enough.
You can switch this off in the more several times version of the rhythm edit window, and set it, so that it updates instantly after every typing stroke - but that could stlow down your typing noticeably for complex rhythms, especially if you can type in the abc notation quickly - so the default is to update during pauses in typing.
For the African style syncopated polyrhythms, you can now set a different number of syncopations to show for each of the rhythms in the polyrhythm. E.g. 3:5 with one extra syncopated copy of the 3 and two extra syncopated copies of the 5 or whatever.
Then as well as that, just a minor change in how tied notes are shown in the bouncing balls window when you have it set to show musical notation for the durations of the notes. Used to be that you got the length of the entire note displayed for the last note in the measure and no musical note shown on the first note of the measure that it's tied to. Now it shows it more conventionally as two separate musical notes with a tie symbol.
Also many bug fixes but most of them are things that hardly anyone will notice. The main ones you might notice are that I fixed a bug that prevented you from seeing some of the tips for the Tempo dial - and also, if you downloaded Bounce recently - that I have also fixed a bug in the feature to auto pan to follow the bouncing balls, which had stopped working due to a newly introduced bug.
I think everything else there would be encountered only in rare situations, or else, things so minor you'd probably only notice them as a programmer.
To update, visit the download page and you can install on top of your existing version For details of the changes, see Change log and Bug fixes.
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