Update January 12h 2016 - Bounce Metronome Pro

The main new options are

* Can now use abc notation (Beta) - not all its features but enough of it so that it is now practical to use Bounce Metronome for entering compositions with rhythms and pitches in any of the sixteen parts. Has the carol Silent Night for SATB as a preset to show how the notation works. As I show in another video, you can transform the abc notation into any tuning system you like, and so this gives a way you can use standard abc notation to composse microtonally. Doesn't have suppor for microtonal abc yet.
* Added midi time code sync (Beta).
* Many improvements in the Automatic Tempo and Rhythm Changes with Accelerating Tempo, Accents, etc. (Ctrl + 264) window window.
* lots of other minor options and bug fixes.
To update, visit the download page and you can install on top of your existing version For details of the changes, see Change log and Bug fixes.
For the Mac version, go to the Bounce for Mac Beta page


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