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May 2015
26th May - bug fixes and minor updates - and more on the mose theremin + integration with Kontakt for the mouse theremin
This upload continues with fixes and new features for the mouse theremin - also to do with getting the mouse theremin to work with the Kontakt instruments, using a new update of the Kontakt script. Plus some other bug fixes and user interface updates.
Main new features for the theremin - an option to stereo pan the notes by pitch (Or vary any other controller at the same time as you vary the pitch)
You can get the latest Bounce from the download page.
To get to the mouse theremin, first you need to make sure you show melodic instruments etc in the Instruments drop menu, then you can get to it with Ctrl + 163.
6th May - Multi Tempo Theremin - with Multi Tempo Buzz Rolls, Piano Style Visuals Also Sliding Chords Harmonic Polyrhythms - Multi Strip Layout for Extra Pitch Sensitivity
Many new features for the mouse theremin - with the Multi Tempo Theremin (Ctrl + 282) which lets you play harmonic polyrhythms as for Theremin's rhythmicon with continuously changing pitch as a theremin. Also now has a multi-row option, so you can "stretch" the pitch over several times the width of th screen to get higher pitch resolution (wth less volume resolution). As well as that, now you can show a keyboard on the screen to give visual feedback of where the pitch is in the twelve tone keyboard - this keyboard can also be configured to any other equal number of pisions of the octave or of other intervals like the tritave.
So, you can play it like a keyboard, with a continuous surface for pitch and volume sensitive depending on the position of your finger on the key - and with ability to do pitch slides. Or you can switch on the multi-tempo theremin option and play it as a harmonic polyrhythm creation instrument with continuous pitch and volume changes of any of the notes.
These new features are WORK IN PROGRESS, especially the multi tempo theremin, but enough there so you can have fun trying them out to see what they do. I'll return to these windows with another upload later on.
It's early days yet, but I think this may also be what I'll work on for my ideas for future multi-touch keyboards in Bounce Metronome and Tune Smithy as it is already very capable and the coding may be easier this way around rather than adding these capabilities to the existing on screen keyboards - will see how it goes when I work on that probably a few months from now.
This upload also fixes some issues with the new speed drills window, and has some other bug fixes and UI improvements.
You can get the latest Bounce from the download page.
To get to the mouse theremin, first you need to make sure you show melodic instruments etc in the Instruments drop menu, then you can get to it with Ctrl + 163.