September 2012


Bounce Metronome 4.3 Update

To find out what's new in version 4.3 of Bounce, see Bounce Metronome 4.3 Release.

Latest update 14th November 2012. Fixes quite a few remaining bugs in the 4.3 release, - most important some glitches in the layout of the bouncing balls in the 3D bounce window which you might encounter with some rhythms. Also adds some extremely minor new features.

You can get this new update from the Download Page.

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Bounce Metronome 4.3 Release

With version 4.3, Bounce Metronome, you can now play beat preserving polymeters - - with the beats the same in all the rhythms, and the measures varying in size. 

Youtube Video

Two rhythms ♩ ♪♩ and ♩ ♪♩ ♪ as a beat preserving polymeter - this is one of the preset rhythms in the Drum & Dance view in the main window drop down..

You get a new "Beat preserving polymeters" metronome type - dedicated to this type of rhythm. Aso, as a new feature you can combine any of your rhythms in music notation as a polymeter.

You can also combine your rhythms as a polyrhythm (and so make polyrhythms where each rhythm has notes of several different sizes, e.g. play ♩ ♪♩ polyrhythmically with ♩ ♪♩ ♪). As another new feature, you can combine your rhythms using Steve Reich style rhythm phasing - with a different tempo for each one.

Other improvements - you can now use file names in any language (full unicode support), any of the unicode symbols also in the lyrics or bouncing text etc, you can use  custom percussion menus (e.g. for Studio Drummer), nice preset sprites with some new special sprite features, for blind users you now have pitch and volume bounces to try out, as an audio version of the visual bounces, and there are numerous other new features and improvements.


Read on to find out more about the release.